Now I have been called Eeyore in the past and it never bothered me. This time it did. For awhile I couldn't figure out why. In the past it had been friends and family that called me that. I had always taken it as a term of endearment. It was their way of recognizing me as sad yet still lovable. This time, however, I was offended. And it wasn't just because I had been called a depressing stuffed ass. Although that was part of it. Even though this comment had been made in jest I couldn't help feeling that the person was also saying "Here comes this guy, a walking rain cloud." I also got the impression that the person was insinuating that I was trying to be an "Eeyore" on purpose. Now to be fair I must acknowledge that being depressed does not exactly give one a healthy mindset with which to process the interactions one has with the world. For the depressed person slights feel like insults, and insults can be devastating.
I would have been hurt by that as well. Some people are so oblivious to how the things they say come across though.
I know that I'm not perfect when it comes to offending people. But I always try to think things through before I say them. So when other people say offensive things it makes me mad. Because in my mind they have either blurted something out without thinking, which is thoughtless of them. Or I assume they must have put as much thought into their comment before they made it the same way I take care of my own words. This means, to me at least, that they really mean what they say which only adds to the insult. Both senarios upset me. Now granted, as I said in the post, I do kind of look at the world through rain cloud colored glasses. I think often that people really are just thoughtless. Some might see that as an excuse but I have a hard time with that. If someone comes up and punches you but then says "Sorry, I wasn't thinking." It really doesn't change the fact that you've been punched and your hurting. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names and emotional damage will stay with me for a lifetime. So anyway Girl thanks for understanding.
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